
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

big news

I have a big update! Besides reviving the blog, I quit my job in LA and moved up to the "farm" in Oregon!

I loved my life in So Cal- my friends, the beach, my job. It was almost perfect, but for a while I had this nagging sensation that it was time to move on. I ignored it for quite some time since I was already established and comfortable in my routine, but unfortunately my routine had become a rut. And even though I had such wonderful surroundings, I felt stuck and became more and more unhappy. As this nagging sensation became stronger, I started dreaming about baking, and design, and event planning. My deepest passions are in the domestic and creative arts that are making a huge comeback in the blogging and pinning world, but I didn't have enough time and space to explore and develop this passion. I took a few baking classes and gathered hundreds of recipes I wanted to try, but couldn't really play in my tiny apartment kitchen. And after a long day at my job, didn't have the energy to start any projects. So then I started to resent everything in my life that I perceived to be holding me back from my dreams. I wrestled between feeling totally stuck and trying to feel grateful for everything and everyone I had in my life that I truly love. But I still couldn't help but believe there is some way to make a career and lifestyle out of my passions. I want a life with purpose, and I just couldn't do it in LA.

While all this was going on and I kept burying these dreams and passions, my parents really decided to go forward with plans to turn the house into a Bed and Breakfast and wedding venue. They would give me updates and I would help as much as I could from afar. I worked on the website with a friend and talked budgets and inspiration. I became obsessed with reading magazines and blogs for events and inspiration and started forwarding any articles and pictures to my parents, hoping that they would fall in love with these ideas as much as I had. For a while, this was a good outlet to play and inspire, but then it broke my heart when I couldn't move forward with any of these ideas. The most I could do was forward an article or picture that I had fallen in love with to my mom, and just hope that she would make it come true.

I could no longer ignore this stirring in my soul. So it came time to take a leap of faith.

So in March, after 4 1/2 years at my job, and 8 years in LA, I gave my notice and started the countdown. I was in a best friend's wedding at the end of May and my lease would be up shortly after, so that became a perfect deadline for myself. I didn't know exactly what the plan would be (and I'm certainly glad I didn't know how many obstacles I would face and how truly difficult the process would be or I would have chickened out), but I decided to take the first step. I put my pride aside and asked my parents if I, now 27 and without an income, could come and move home. Luckily, they were delighted. Turns out, turning a house into a venue and B&B is a lot more challenging than we thought and they really needed some extra help. And the help they needed seemed to line up with the exact passions I had been ignoring.

So here I am, sitting on the porch about 1 1/2 months after my last day at work and 3 weeks after pulling up to my new home... My parents' house.

The plan is still in rough draft format. But basically, I get to live in the apt upstairs in the barnage and help around the house and business until I figure out my next step. I am having so much fun painting furniture and unpacking in the barn (pictures to come). I've already been able to play a little bit in the kitchen and meet a bride that is getting married on the property in 2 weeks!!

But to be totally honest, it has been really difficult and I think it will be for some time. Saying goodbye to my best friends was so sad, and every time I get a text or email from one of them, I question if I've made the right decision. Keep in my mind, that my parents moved to Oregon my freshmen year in college, so this is not my home. I only know my parents and a few of their friends. It has only been a few weeks, and I already miss friendship so much. I know it will be a long time before I feel at home here, and run into a friend at the store or invite someone over for dinner or to bake cookies with me. These are the things I will miss the most. I am trying to believe that someday I'll be able to establish that here, or that a time will come for me to move on (or maybe even back to CA). I am fighting the urge to make a strict plan or timeline. I need to detox from that sort of living. And even thought there are already challenges and I know I will have more obstacles as I try to figure out what I'm doing with my life, I feel like I'm on an adventure... An adventure that I've longed for the past 2 or 3 years. One of the things I miss most about my brother is his sense of adventure. It seemed like he was always willing to go anywhere or try anything. And when I lost him, I lost the biggest advocate for adventure in my life. And so I realized that I have to be my own advocate and the only thing keeping me from pursuing my passion is my own fear. I have to make the decision on my own to go somewhere and be somebody, or I'll never grow.

So after the longest post ever, I leave you with 2 last thoughts. First, I'll use the blog to keep you posted on the progress- of the barn apartment, the house, and my new adventure. And second, this is the view from the porch where I took my nap today. Enjoy!! And come visit!!!

{view from the porch}


  1. So incredibly proud of you! Big changes like this are never easy, but are almost always needed because they give you a chance to explore a hidden yet incredible side of yourself. I hope you continue to enjoy this adventure!

  2. This is so inspiring, Morgan! It makes me want to jump up and do something different, too. I think I'll settle for a Spanish red tonight instead of a California cab and call it a lovely change. This baby/husband deal isn't as flexible as I thought it would be...:) But seriously, I would love to come stay at the B&B and bake with you!! I'm serious. For real. Love that you made this leap!
