
Friday, September 14, 2012

state of the barn: update

I am realizing that the barn is just going to always be a work in progress. I'm not sure I can do all of the things I want to do in one lifetime. At least not on my budget. So here is the chronicle of the unending project thus far...


Only about 2/3 of the floor has been painted, but I went ahead and set up my furiture anyway. Those cabinets I painted are already pealing, but are full of my possessions finally. I put a curtain and ribbons over some of the peeling parts just so it doesnt stare at me all day and night. The kitchen area doesn't have an oven or stove, so it really just has a few basics for assembling meals. Most of my personal kitchen tools and appliances are being stored and my cooking/baking experiments take place at my parents' house, so there is a lot of back and forth. For a normal person, this would probably be fine. But I love kitchens! I love organizing them, experimenting in them, and I really don't even mind cleaning them. So this will really take some time to get used to...


Taking all of this into account, the barn is actually starting to feel homey. I have tried to create little nooks that are clean and complete so that the messy, half-finished projects don't get to me. The first nook I set up was a dining room table area. I have yet to actually dine at it, but it defines the space and stays pretty. My next step was some bookshelves, my favorite lounge chair, kitchen cabinet, and bed. Little by little, the apartment is definitely coming together. Now when I look around, I see potential, and not just a mess.

{flowers help make it homey... Unless it is 100 degrees and they wilt within 2 days}

It helps, too,that my view is of the river and garden. So if I need to get out of the mess, it is easy to get away from the project and rest.

And on that note, the state of the barn will remain unchanged till November. More on that to come ;)