
Sunday, September 26, 2010


I have 2 vivid memories of my first fishing trip- The first is when I accidentally hooked my mom with the fishing hook, and the second it when I caught my first fish and realized that meant that I would be killing it so I cried and my dad had to release it.  Since then, I've improved a little. I'll eat salmon and sit by and lounge while my dad and friends fish... but seeing and/or touching them still gives me the heebie-jeebies.  So clearly, I am in no way an expert on fishing. I DO know, though, that the river in the backyard has some pretty good fishing.  My dad and several visitors have told me so. Apparently, the McKenzie River is known for its salmon, steelhead, and trout. Sometimes when you're sitting in the backyard, you can even see them jumping... which is usually followed by an excited squeal from my mom (hi, mom- sorry, I had to).  

{Our family friend, George, fishin' on the McKenzie}

{George's prize! And this is where I have the heebie-jeebs}

{And the seasoning}

So then he grilled them up and all just snacked off the platter. Unfortunately, I don't have a final product picture... I guess we ate them up too fast! 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

its a blogger's world...

I'm joining Bloglovin' so hopefully it is easier to follow the blog since I've been updating a little sporadically. Hope it works for you!

PS Thanks for all the support and encouragement so far. XO!

<a href="">Follow my blog with bloglovin</a>

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

an LA girl can dream of Autumn...

But in Oregon, they really do have seasons! All of them! In the Fall, leaves change colors, the air gets crisp, and people wear scarves... and I don't mean scarves with a tank top.  Every Fall, I lust after the wonderfully preppy and chic new fashion lines (ahem, J. Crew), knowing that I'll probably just wear sandals again tomorrow. If I go up to my parents' house, though, I get to wear cords, and tweed, and herringbone! And boots because they're functional and not just because they're cute! Ok, ok, I know this is not a fashion blog, so I will quit my rambling and be content with my sandals and light sweaters. I will, however, daydream about coming home to this:

and then sitting here with a good book:

or wandering along this:

While wearing these... Le sigh!

{Images via J.Crew~ top left, middle row, bottom left
and Anthropologie~ top right and bottom right}

Saturday, September 18, 2010


"Where flowers bloom so does hope"~ Lady Bird Johnson
All fresh picked or growing
in the garden... 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

summer vs autumn

When did it become September already?! Since joining the adult world of working in an office, summer just isn't the same. And since June gloom has decided to stick around till September this year, have we even really had a summer yet in LA? I just can't decide which I like better- summer or autumn! Both are my favorite.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

my dad should not have let me mow...

But the John Deere is just too much fun! I am not as concerned about my safety as I am for the sake of the lawn.  I think I need a little more practice... maybe on a smaller patch of grass. 

{My side of the lawn... oops}

{Compare to my dad's side of the lawn... He's got skills}

Friday, September 10, 2010

transformation- back yard

The house has been in a constant state of transformation since my parents first got up there. The property had such obvious potential, but needed some serious TLC.  Exhibit A- The back porch...


Clearly, the back "yard" needed some weeding, raking, some flowers and some paint... 

{Ta- Da!}

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It's pronounced barn-ahj (like a big red barn combined with a garage). I gave my mom's kitchen a shout-out so it only seems fair to brag about my dad's masterpiece, as well.  From the outside and from the name, you may think it would house farm animals... but it actually more of a garage.  Instead of pigs and roosters, there are cars,  tools, fishing rods, and kayaks!  Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor's dream! 

{Barnage and vegetable garden}
{The Barnage with a mini-croquet field}

I will have to follow-up with pics from the inside.  The interior is still being perfected!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

game on!

I already introduced you to the River in the back, so now it is time for the pasture in the front!! My dad mows a croquet field into the tall grass and we play "Extreme Croquet". This basically means there are no rules! We start by being respectful of each other and waiting for our own turn... then after a few croquet balls go soaring into the tall grass and we drink a few margaritas, all rules go out the window. Everyone starts rushing toward the finish line, knocking each others' croquet balls out of the way, and accusing everyone else of cheating! Needless to say, there are always good times in the pasture.

{the pathway to the croquet field}

{Brent is clearly not winning this round}